Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Alaska local grains

I got a few 50 pound sacks of barley and wheat through the local food challenge. Since we are trying to get our place on the market most of it is at Mike's work at the moment. We just got a container for the barley and one for the wheat so I tried it out for the first time. It comes in berries that need to be ground if you want flour. I used the blend tech and it did a good job grinding it into a flour and didn't take much time.

I made a barley cornbread recipe from the cooperative extension and a pot pie with the whole wheat flour. The barley cornbread needs some tweaking. It was supposed to cook in 30 minutes and was no where near being done at 30 minutes. I used  ground up corn instead of corn meal and that might of been the reason although cornmeal is just ground up corn kernels. You can grow corn in Alaska if you have a greenhouse so I want to experiment with that. I found a recipe online for the whole wheat pot pie crust. It was more dough like this time but it cooked a little softer than I was hoping so I still need to experiment. I may just use some gluten if I can't find good recipes using all whole wheat. When we finish the rice I am going to use the barley in place of rice. The kids at least liked the food and I thought the pot pie was decent even though it wasn't perfect. Teddy at least liked the corn bread. Once we get the new place I have big plans for making bread, tortillas, pot pies, english muffins, pancakes, waffles, cookies, pasta, pizza and bagels with the grain. I am looking for recipes now and will experiment until I have something workable. I am not the best cook but luckily my friend google can provide some help.

In kid news Teddy has been extra fussy lately but he is doing great language wise and is adding some sounds he was having difficulty with. He is doing much better on outings and is doing great around other kids even ones younger than him. Cora is doing good but I wish listened to my worries and got her into therapy sooner. She is a little behind in her rolling and sitting skills and she has a curve in her spine that is common with torticollis. She is favoring sides with rolling too. I been so busy that I don't get to work with her as much as I like. I been trying a little bit of food with her and she is so funny about it. She dives after it with her mouth and starts chomping away but isn't using her hands to much with it yet. I don't think she eaten much yet but she enjoys sucking and chewing and gets mad when she loses what she was working on.

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